A Mother’s Journey of Hope and Advocacy

A Mother’s Journey of Hope and Advocacy | Thank you, University of Miami Alumni, for the article!

In a world where compassion and understanding can make all the difference, alumna Vickie Rubin stands tall as a beacon of hope for families navigating the challenges of raising children with special needs. Rubin’s unwavering dedication to her daughter Jessica, who was born with a rare chromosome deletion, has transformed her into an advocate, educator, and source of inspiration for families. Read More here

Vickie and Mitchel Rubin, B.B.A. ’79, with Jessica

5 thoughts on “A Mother’s Journey of Hope and Advocacy

  1. Pingback: Jessica’s First and Last Hip Surgery: A Lesson in Advocacy - Vickie Rubin: Special Educator, Advocate, & Mom

  2. Ab

    Way to go, Vickie! I love that your story continues to spread far and wide. 💕 Wishing your family a nice Father’s Day weekend!


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